Yard Qualification Audit Verification Visit by CPKA of RMN

On 16th January 2025, Lumut Naval Shipyard (LUNAS) successfully completed the Yard Qualification Audit. The audit team was led by Captain Ts. Mazwan Said, Director of Cawangan Penguatkuasaan Kejuruteraan Armada (CPKA) RMN, with participation from LUNAS’s COO, Cdr. (R) Jal Shazidi Bassari.
We are proud of the audit’s positive outcome, which clearly reflects LUNAS’s commitment to delivering excellence and continuously improving our operational matters. Our team’s unwavering commitment to these objectives highlights our principles and dedication to upholding the highest standards in the industry.
#MYLUNAS #RMN #CPKA #TLDM #NAVYPeople #AuditKeupayaanLimbungan #MaritimeExcellence
“Established 1991”