Service Proposal
Take In Hand Meeting and Ceremony with MMEA for KM LANGKAWI

In a significant milestone for KM LANGKAWI, which entered Lumut Naval Shipyard (LUNAS) in November 2023 for safekeeping and preparation for its forthcoming refit repair program, LUNAS recently received the official award for the repair program during a Take In Hand meeting on May 28, 2024.

First Admiral (M) Hamizan bin Harun, MMEA Engineering Director, graced the occasion with his presence. He inspected KM LANGKAWI at the LUNAS hardstand area before proceeding to the Arowana Meeting Room, where the official award ceremony took place.

This ceremony marks LUNAS’s commitment in delivering excellence and our dedication in ensuring the successful completion of this repair program, which will enhance the operational capabilities of KM LANGKAWI.

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“Established 1991”